Slow Running Computer Repair Services

Single Service Pricing

Basic Service Charge
$ 75
Per Task
  • Flat rate basic service charge
  • Covers first 4 hours
  • Service Garmented

Monthly Pricing

Cost Per Month
$ 49
  • Discount on service ad-ons
  • No Hourly Cost
  • Service Garmented

A slow running computer repair service is a specialized service focused on diagnosing and fixing issues that cause a computer to operate slower than its optimal speed. This service is typically offered by IT professionals or computer repair shops and can be conducted either in-person or remotely, depending on the nature of the issue. Here are some key aspects of this service:

  1. Diagnostic Analysis: The service begins with a thorough analysis to identify the root cause of the computer’s slow performance. This may involve checking the computer’s hardware components (like the hard drive, CPU, and RAM) and its software environment (including the operating system, installed programs, and active processes).

  2. Virus and Malware Scanning: One common reason for a computer to run slowly is the presence of viruses or malware. The service includes scanning for and removing any malicious software that may be affecting the computer’s performance.

  3. Cleaning Up Unnecessary Files: Over time, computers can accumulate unnecessary files such as temporary files, cache, or unused programs. The service may involve cleaning up these files to free up disk space and improve speed.

  4. Optimizing Startup Processes: Slow startup times can contribute to overall sluggish performance. The service may adjust the startup processes, disabling unnecessary programs that launch when the computer starts.

  5. Hardware Upgrades: In some cases, the computer’s hardware may be inadequate or failing. The service might include upgrading components like RAM, installing a solid-state drive (SSD) in place of a hard disk drive (HDD), or replacing aging components.

  6. Operating System and Software Updates: Outdated software can lead to performance issues. The service includes updating the operating system and other critical software to the latest versions.

  7. Driver Updates: Updating drivers for hardware components can also improve performance, especially for high-demand tasks like gaming or graphic design.

  8. System Configuration and Optimization: Tweaking system settings and configurations to optimize performance based on the user’s needs and the computer’s capabilities.

  9. Consultation and Recommendations: Providing the user with advice and recommendations on how to maintain their computer’s performance, avoid future issues, and, if necessary, advice on when to consider replacing an older computer.

  10. Follow-up Support: Offering follow-up support to ensure that the computer continues to run smoothly after the service.

This service is vital for individuals and businesses who rely on their computers for everyday tasks and need them to function efficiently. It’s designed to not only fix immediate performance issues but also to enhance the overall lifespan and usability of the computer.